Born Equal

Robert Carlyle (pictured) was the first indication that it might be worth my time. Plus there was Colin Firth -- not a personal favourite of mine, but I respect that he's good at his job. And a young woman who I'd previously seen in the frankly marvellous movie The Magdalene Sisters. A promising line-up, and no mistake.
The premise is sort of a British Crash, I suppose. But where that over-awarded, underachieving piece of contrived Hollywood nonsense failed, Born Equal succeeded admirably, creating compelling, threatening, three-dimensional, believable characters in largely untenable situations, for whatever reason: homeless, socially confused, ex convict, battered wife, immigrant refugee...
From the above description, you can gather that I thought this was a striking little film, all the better for the lack of expectation that comes with something made for TV.
It may not be easy to track down after the event, but if you see it kicking around in the TV schedules, be sure to catch it.
The scores:
Acting: 14
Story: 12
Direction: 13
Enjoyment: 13
Cerebral pleasure: 14
Total: 66
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