
The story tells of a famous actress meeting a finance expert, with whom she immediately falls in love. He very quickly informs her, though, that he is a married man. Despite this, the pair continue to date whenever he visits London, because after all, his wife doesn't understand him and he can't get a divorce.
I don't want to give away too much of the plot, but there is some delightful, witty dialogue, and of course the two leads simply ooze star quality. Indeed some of the euphemisms used actually seem quite risqué considering the age of the film. The old cliché "They don't make them like this anymore" really applies here, and what a shame it is. And watching this so soon after Down With Love really helped put that film into perspective!
The scores:
Acting: 16
Story: 13
Direction: 14
Enjoyment: 17
Cerebral pleasure: 12
Total: 72
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