Red Road

The focal point of the story is Jackie, a young woman who works in a CCTV monitoring office, overseeing the comings and goings of Glasgow at all hours of the day and night. One night she is shaken when she feels sure she has spotted the man who killed her husband in a car accident (through dangerous and/or drunk driving) -- a man she assumed was still in prison. Upon establishing that the man has indeed served his time, she then sets out to stalk him, both by CCTV and on foot, becoming ever more obsessed...
Directed by Andrea Arnold (the "Best Live-Action Short" Oscar winner in 2005), Red Road is a snail-paced but intense and riveting little thriller, sometimes leaving you almost breathless with the situations in which our heroine finds herself. Shot according to Dogme 95 rules (though you wouldn't necessarily notice it), this is a slow burner, for sure, and several scenes will undoubtedly stay with you for quite some time. I was quietly impressed, and I am perhaps more so now than I was at the time. 71 out of 100.
Labels: andrea arnold, cctv, dogma, dogme, dogme 95, glasgow, oscars, revenge, scotland, sight and sound
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